BJA Club 2180 - Est. 1974
email :
0786 783 6494 (Steve Evans)

Nage-No-Kata / Katame-No-Kata
The 'Kata' of various martial arts are standardised and idealised 'forms', designed to instruct on the correct execution of important techniques, but also preserve traditional techniques. They contain fundamental truths concerning the principles of the arts. Their study and demonstration is both essential and mandatory, and should be continually used and referred to when instructing.
In Judo the basic, core Kata are those of Forms of Throwing (Nage-No-Kata) and Forms of Grappling (Katame-No-Kata).
These two original Kata (sometimes also referred to collectively as 'Randori-no-Kata') were established around 1885 in the early days after the founding of the original Judo Dojo, The Kodokan.
Today, Judo Kata are the subject of International Competition in their own right.
Nage-no-Kata , was created to help Judo students understand the principles and master the basic techniques of Throws (Nage Waza) commonly used in free fighting practice (Randori). It is presented in a self-defence style.
It is made up of three representative techniques selected from Te-waza (Hand Techniques), Koshi-waza (Hip Techniques) , Ashi-waza (Foot/Leg Techniques), Ma-Sutemi-waza (Back-Sacrifice Techniques) and Yoko-Sutemi-waza (Side-Sacrifice Techniques).
Students must practice the execution of both left and right sides in each technique. The basic principles of throwing techniques are acquired by practice of Kuzushi (Breaking Balance), Tsukuri (Entering), Kake (Execution) and how to receive and then fall from each technique.
Katame-no-Kata comprises five representative techniques selected from each of Osaekomi-waza (Holds) , Shime-waza (Chokes/Strangles) and Kansetsu-waza (Joint-Locks)
The basic logic and application of the techniques with correct methods of pinning, countering those pins, strangling and locking joints are acquired by learning this Kata.
Many Judo Kata exist and are practised, both traditional and modern:
* Nage-no-Kata (Forms of Throwing)
* Katame-no-Kata (Forms of Grappling/Holding)
* Gonosen-no-Kata (Forms of Counter Attack)
* Kime-no-Kata (Forms of Decisive Techniques)
* Ju-no-Kata (Forms of Gentleness and Flexibility)
* Kodokan Goshin-Jutsu (Forms of Kodokan Dojo Self-Defence)
* Budokwai Goshin-Jutsu (Forms of Budokwai Dojo Self-Defence)
* Itsutsu-no-Kata (Forms of 'Five')
* Koshiki-no-Kata (Forms of Classics) (Jiu-Jitsu)
* Seiryoku-Zenyo-Kokumin-Taiiku (Forms of Maximum Efficiency)
* Nage-Ura-no-Kata (Forms of Reversing Throwing Techniques)
* Hikomi-no-Kata (Modern Counters) (Modern-European)
**(This list is not exhaustive: there are many more Kata!)
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