BJA Club 2180 - Est. 1974
email :
0786 783 6494 (Steve Evans)

Session 1
Summary: Typical Stances / Breaking Balance (Kuzushi)
Kumi-Kata Elements
Migi-Shizentai (Right Posture) – hands up, elbows in
Hidari-Shizentai (Left Posture) – hands up, elbows in
Migi vs Migi (RvR) Sleeve-Lapel
Hidari vs Hidari (LvL) Sleeve-Lapel
Migi vs Hidari (RvL) Sleeve-Lapel
Hidari vs Migi (LvR) Sleeve-Lapel
Kuzushi Elements
8 points of Kuzushi
8 points of Kuzushi with movement
Randori Elements
Sumo Rules
Video Resources:
Judo Basics, Stances and The 8 Points of Balance

Session 3
Summary : Ukemi / Defensive Posture (Jigotai) / Controlling the Opponent / Osoto-otoshi / Kesa-Gatame / Newaza Randori
Ukemi Elements
Yoko-Ukemi from all-fours (Side)
Backward-Breakfall (Ushiro-Ukemi) Sit-Ups
Kumi-Kata elements
Defending the Push and Pull with Jigotai
Eri Gripping
Eri Tai-Otoshi from Knees
Prevent the opponent’s Tsuri-Te ('Lifting' or ‘Fishing’ Hand)
Capture the Grip
Kuzushi Elements
Osoto-Otoshi – Static and walking
Hidari (Left)
Migi (Right)
Nage-Komi Elements
Osoto-Otoshi - Hidari and Migi
Osae-Komi Elements
Osoto-Otoshi to Scarf-Hold (Kesa-Gatame)
Randori Elements
Groundwork (Ne-waza) Randori
Video Resources:
Yoko-Ukemi / Ushiro-Ukemi / Mae-Mawari-Ukemi

Session 5
Summary : Major Inner Reaping Throw (Ouchi-Gari) / Randori
Ukemi Elements
Mae-Mawari-Ukemi – (Jitsu-Style)
Ushiro-Ukemi rolling to Feet
Kuzushi Elements
Kuzushi for Ouchi-Gari
Nage-Komi Elements
O-Uchi-Gari straight (Mae)
O-Uchi-Gari with circular movement
O-Uchi-Gari finish avoiding guard
Transitional Elements
Ouchi-Gari to Kesa-Gatame
Ouchi-Gari to Mune-Gatame
Randori Elements
Judo Rules Standing Randori (Tachi-Waza) ​
Video Resources:

Session 7
Summary : Newaza Turnovers / Transitions / Hip Throws (Koshi-Waza)
Ukemi Elements
Sliding Yoko-Ukemi
Kneeling Tai-Otoshi
Kneeling De-Ashi Barai​
Transitional Elements
Osoto-Otoshi to Kesa-Gatame
O-Uchi-Gari to Kesa-Gatame
De-Ashi-Barai to Mune-Gatame
Nage-Komi Elements
Basic Hip Throws : Uki-Goshi vs O-Goshi
Transitional Elements
Uki-Goshi vs O-Goshi to Kuzure-Kesa-Gatame
Randori Elements
Video Resources:

Session 9
Summary : Ippon Seoinage / Kami-Shiho-Gatame
Ukemi /Newza Elements
Kneeling Shoulder-Throws/Turnovers
Kuzushi Elements
Kuzushi for Single Shoulder Throw (Ippon-Seoi-Nage)
Uchi-Komi Elements
Progressive Uchi-Komi for Seoi-Nage
Nage-Komi Elements
Hon Ippon-Seoinage: Migi Shizentai - using pressure
Ippon Seoinage: Migi Shizentai, moving to the right
Ippon Seoinage: Migi Shizentai to Hidari Kake
Transitional Elements
Ippon-Seoinage to Kami-Shiho-Gatame
Randori Elements
Video Resources:
Ippon Seoinage – Basic Principles
Ippon Seoinage – Grip Variations

Session 11
Summary : Turnovers and Nage-Waza Combinations
​OsaeKomi Elements
Turnover to Kesa-Gatame
Chicken-Wing Turnover to Kuzure-Kesa-Gatame
Chicken-Wing Turnover to Mune-Gatame
Randori Elements​
Groundwork (Ne-Waza) 5min Randori
Kuzushi Elements
Uchi-Komi Elements
Progressive Uchi-Komi for Tai-otoshi or Ippon-Seoinage
Nage-Komi Elements
Ippon-Seoinage to O-Uchi-Gari
O-Uchi-Gari to Osoto-Otoshi
De-Ashi-Barai to Ippon-Seoinage
Tai-Otoshi to O-Uchi-Gari
Randori Elements
Video Resources:

Session 2
Summary: Breaking Fall (Ukemi) / Gripping / Randori
Side-Breakfall (Yoko-Ukemi) sit-ups
Yoko-Ukemi from all-fours (Side)
Foot-Sweep (De-Ashi-Barai) from knees
Yoko-Ukemi from standing
Kumi-Kata elements
Double-Lapel Grips
Randori Elements
Sumo Rules
Video Resources:
How to Practice Falling Techniques
Ukemi Elements 1 / Ukemi Elements 2

Session 4
Summary : Ukemi Revision / Kumi-Kata Scenario / Major Inner Reaping Throw (Ouchi-Gari)
Ukemi Elements
Standing Yoko-Ukemi
Osoto-Otoshi to Yoko-Ukemi
Ushiro-Ukemi rolling to Feet
Kumi-Kata elements
Randori Elements
Sumo Rules
Video Resources:
Controlling the Opponent's Sleeve/Wrist
Judo Grip Fighting: Controlling the Power Hand
Major Inner Reaping (Ouchi-Gari) - Basic principles

Session 6
Summary : Strong postures / Reaps vs Sweeps / Advanced Foot Sweep (De-Ashi-Barai) / Chest Hold (Mune Gatame)/ Randori
Ukemi Elements​
Kneeling De-Ashi Barai
Kumi-Kata elements​​
Ringing-the bell
Kuzushi Elements
Kuzushi for Reaps (Gari) vs Sweeps (Barai/Harai)
Nage-Komi Elements
De-Ashi-Barai moving backwards
Transitional Elements
Ne-waza De-Ashi to Mune-Gatame
De-Ashi-Barai to Mune Gatame
Randori Elements
Judo Rules Competition Style (Shiai)
Video Resources:
De-Ashi-Barai - circular movement
De-Ashi-Barai into Mune Gatame
Judo Rules - Competition (Shiai)
De Ashi-Barai Competition Compilation

Session 8
Summary : Tai-Otoshi (1)
Ukemi Elements
Sliding Yoko-Ukemi
Kneeling Tai-Otoshi
Kneeling De-Ashi Barai
Kumi-Kata elements
Hon Tai-Otoshi
Alternative grips for Tai-Otoshi
Kuzushi Elements​
For Tai-Otoshi
Nage-Komi Elements
Tai-Otoshi moving
Countering Tai-Otoshi with Ko-soto-Gake
Randori Elements
Video Resources:

Session 10
Summary : Tai-Otoshi (2)
Ukemi Elements
Kneeling Tai-Otoshi
Kneeling De-Ashi Barai
Mae-Mawari-Ukemi for Tai-Otoshi
Kumi-Kata elements
Various grips for Tai-Otoshi
Kuzushi Elements
Standing up straight - solid base
Jigotai and Strong posture - How to keep your posture strong in judo - YouTube
For Tai-Otoshi
Nage-Komi Elements
Korean-Style Eri-Tai-Otoshi moving
Transitional Elements​
Tai-Otoshi to Yoko-Shiho-Gatame
OsaeKomi Elements
Escapes from Yoko-Shiho-Gatame / Mune-Gatame
Randori Elements
Ne-Waza -Randori
Randori Elements
Video Resources:

Session 12
Summary : Advanced Ukemi / Nage-Waza Revision
Ukemi Elements
Ukemi - Mae-Ukemi
Handstand Ukemi
Kuzushi Elements
Moving Osoto-Otoshi
Moving Tai-Otoshi
Moving Uke-Goshi
Moving O-Uchi-Gari
Moving Ippon-Seoinage
Moving De-Ashi-Barai
Moving Combination (your choice)
OsaeKomi Elements
Round the Clock - Maintaining control
Randori Elements
Judo Rules Competition Style (Shiai)
CJC Red and Yellow Introductory Programme
For New and Returning Cadets and Senior Players (all over 12yrs)
this 12 Session Introductory Programme runs as part of the WEDNESDAY evening class...
These sessions aim to cover the majority of the BJA Kyu grade Syllabus for Red Belt (6th Kyu) and Yellow Belt (5th Kyu) as well as preparing students for safe, practical application and sparring (Randori)
If a player misses any class or wishes to revise the content, below are the basic lesson plans with in-line links and supplemental video resources to help cement learning points.
We encourage you to watch as much Judo video as you can : there is an immense, invaluable and free learning resource available online!